Never get flagged
Avoid getting detected by using our vast pool of Japan IP addresses. Only residential proxies, so you never get subnet blocked.
Use 104 356 residential proxies from Japan.
See our growing list of Japanese proxy options. Choose geographic targeting for 195+ other locations on Smartproxy with a 14-day money-back option.
Want to access the internet with a Japanese IP address? A residential Japanese proxy is a perfect choice because it lets you use the IP of a real device in Japan. Use our secure and reliable Japanese proxies for scraping, data mining or automating.
Residential proxies are real IP addresses of unique devices located in Japan. Residential proxies are perfect when you want your connection requests to look like real users, and not as someone using a data center as a proxy. Proxies in our network do not share any subnetwork and are extremely hard to detect.
Well, not to brag, but... our proxy server provides the fastest connection in the market with 0.61s average response time. Oh, and we also offer an industry-leading success rate of 99.47%. Enjoy proxies that are perfect for data scraping and mining!
Frustrated with IP banning? Our network is extremely resilient to this issue because our Japanese proxy service offers access to a massive pool of residential IP addresses. As they do not share subnets and rotate automatically, you can avoid IP bans easily.
Avoid getting detected by using our vast pool of Japan IP addresses. Only residential proxies, so you never get subnet blocked.
Use an unlimited number of accounts simultaneously, keeping the same IP for each request or for a longer period with the Sticky IP option.
Our residential proxies have <0.5s average response time and a 99.68% success rate, which makes them the fastest and the most successful in the market.
Enjoy maximum performance without any pressure. Buy any of our proxy plans and take up to 14 days to decide. If you're not impressed, we'll refund you (terms apply).
Free proxy services are often insecure and can even steal data from you. Our residential Japanese proxy network provides a secure HTTPS connection. With our service, there's no need to worry about security or privacy. Equip our Tokyo and other city-level proxies, and leave the limits behind.
Access Japanese residential proxies within seconds from whitelisted IPs or by using your username:password. Use a new IP for every connection or get a unique IP for up to 10 minutes.
Your device is ready to use our proxies. See configurations.
Your connections from our Japan proxy server are anonymous. Your real IP is hidden at all times.
Get your automation software, bots and scripts running instantly with our Japan proxies. See integrations.
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Pick a plan that suits you. Get ahead with unblockable and stable proxies.
With each plan you access
55M+ ethically-sourced IPs
HTTP(S) & SOCKS5 support
<0.5s average response time
99.68% success rate
Unlimited concurrent sessions
Country, city & ZIP code targeting
Rotating and sticky sessions
#1 IP quality in the market
24/7 tech support
SSL Secure Payment
Your information is protected by 256-bit SSL
We're thrilled to have the support of our 50K+ clients and the industry's best
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A proxy is an IP address that connects to your target location on the internet as your intermediary. When you use a proxy, your IP address is not visible to the server you are accessing. Your internet service provider (ISP) only sees that you are connecting to the proxy address and is unaware of your true activities.
To use a proxy you need to set up your software or device to connect to the internet through a proxy address. In most cases, these settings are easy to find and use. See our FAQ for your preferred solution.
Residential proxies are IP addresses that are associated with real, unique devices. Unlike datacenter proxies, a residential proxy server manages unique IPs. This means that your whole proxy pool cannot be banned with a subnet block. To find out more, read our article about datacenter and residential proxies.
An SSL or HTTPs proxy is an IP address that uses the SSL security protocol for your connection, which protects your data from third parties.
Yes! Our Japanese proxy service is ideal for buying the latest clothes and shoes from Bathing Ape. With a Japanese IP address, you can use our proxy network to buy the latest Japanese product form any Japanese retailer.
Our proxy plans are priced according to the amount of traffic. This means that they are not suited for use with streaming services. But they are the ideal choice for automated online shopping and nabbing the latest products before anyone else.